Before I offer up a recipe prepared with the Sous Vide method it is important to know this technique of cooking does not require an expensive machine or an expensive vacuum packer even though removing the air from the bag is a must and maintaining a set temperature is key. Zip Loc offers a hand vacuum packer and baggies of various size that work very well and do not take up a bunch of space.
To do this stove top you will need a pot of water that holds a minimum 1 gallon of water, thermometer and some ice cubes to bring down the temp if needed. What I do is bring the water to a rolling boil then lower the heat by adding a few ice cubes, this will ensure you do not have to stand there looking at the temp until you reach your desired heat, it is important to know the heat will drop when you introduce what ever the ingredient you are cooking is as well. Since the temp will drop upon introduction I recommend keeping to no more than 6-8 ounces per baggie and no more than two items per pot of water. This is not boil in a bag, this is cooking with precision to an exact desired core temperatures that is maintain though out. One other reason this is a superior method is all the flavor stays in the bag and is not cooked out into a broth or lost via evaporation. Another great way to attain the desired temp is to use a slow cooker but for all applications here we will use the stove top method of Sous Vide.
I will return to share something from south of the boarder prepared Sous Vide method that will have you questioning the traditional method, so good and a little healthier as well. Until then "Think Good Thoughts & Smile".