This industry and art form has change so much since I first stepped behind the line in 1983, some of which is for the better, some of which is to the demise of the professional chef. Kitchens are being taken over by OOPS better not go there, let's just say I believe many if not most culinary schools are glorifying an art and business to be something it is not. Less than 15% of culinary grads will actually be working in the culinary industry upon completion of there so called training, only 5% will be in the industry after 5 years and only 2% will call it a career. Allow me to qualify industry, anything that has to do with cooking and or food. I feel for these kids that get sold a bill of goods about how prestigious being a chef is. It takes many years to understand the arena we call our kitchens. I am not one to boast or brag about myself or my career as a chef nor my education, I will say that it continues to unfold nearly 30 years later. This blog has been fun for me to share recipes and some technique, I have readers in more than 20 countries and receive more than a few regular emails requesting information or recipes, I am not a well known or celeb chef, I remain mostly private except to those I have met on this blog, friends, family and my peers in this industry, I like it like this, it relives the burden of expectation except at the work place where I give all that I am and believe in being expected upon with high demand. As the new culinary venture I have spoken about nears, as well as the bragging rights that come along with it, I will continue to share and promise to share more recipes and experiences here.
Where I am going with this now is I have not written or shared much as of late, asking myself if this blog is worth anything. The answer is yes!! I have the belief that if it helps one person it is of some good and purpose. I know some of what I have shared in this post means nothing to some but I shared this information because I recently received an email from a student of the culinary arts that finds themselves frustrated and questioning if they are doing the right thing which brings me to this. Only you can make the decision to continue in the wonderful world of Culinary Arts, if you do, take advantage of all the worldly adventures it offers and be prepared to work very hard to someday have a kitchen you can call your own to share your the passion, knowledge and love for food from.
I will return to share more recipes, until then be the best you can and love what you do.
AMEN !!!